Part 2 of the pathway is a 12 month programme delivered by Aston University and the Academy.
Students will carry out a Research Project during this year. Each student is assigned a personal tutor. The tutor will help the student in choosing a project, determining the research methodology and in planning the dissertation.
Advanced Research Skills:
At the start of Part 2 students will take the Advanced Research Skills online module. Students must attain a pass grade before progressing to the Research Project.
The Research Project:
The project dissertation should be 8,000 words
The project requires students to design, implement and evaluate a research study relevant to dental implantology.
Students may choose from a wide range of possible subject areas, which could include patient psychology, healthcare economics, consent, radiology, anatomy, treatment outcomes, materials, ethics, patient communication, pharmacology etc
Students are required to produce work that meets all Aston University programme outcomes at Masters level. This includes working ethically, even if formal ethical permissions are not required.